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Causes and Treatments of Aphids on Japanese Maples

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Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that can cause serious damage to Japanese maples. Typically green or black in color, aphids feed on the sap of the tree and can often be found on the underside of the leaves. When an infestation is present, the leaves may yellow or discolor, and new growth can be stunted.

Aphids often find their way onto Japanese maples through a variety of different methods. Wind, birds, and other animals can carry them from one place to another. Aphids may also hitch a ride on other plants and then spread to the maple. Finally, aphids can be introduced to a maple tree through contaminated soil.

When dealing with an aphid infestation, it is important to take action quickly. The best way to do this is to use a combination of physical and chemical controls. In terms of physical control, it is crucial to regularly inspect the tree and remove any aphids that are discovered by hand. Horticultural oil, insecticidal soaps, and neem oil can also be used as chemical control and can be applied as needed.

Finally, an arborist can be consulted to determine the best way to treat an aphid infestation. An arborist will be able to assess the severity of the infestation and choose the most appropriate treatment. This may include pruning, spraying the tree with a systemic insecticide, or using beneficial insects such as ladybugs to eat the aphids.

In conclusion, aphids can cause serious damage to Japanese maples. To prevent and treat an infestation, regular inspection, physical and chemical controls, and the assistance of an arborist all play an important role. With proper care and attention, it is possible to keep a Japanese maple healthy and aphid-free.

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