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What is Causing Spots on the Leaves of Your Japanese Maple?

There are many causes of spots on the leaves of your Japanese Maple. Firstly watering from the top down on your plant while it's too hot or sunny out is a main cause. However, a few years ago there was an abundance of research done on this exact topic. The study concluded that leaf thrips are the main cause of spots on your Japanese Maple. These bugs get on your plant during the spring and spray a fungus which houses their eggs, which don't hatch until later in the season. Typically these bugs prey on plants that are either showing signs of stress or that aren't well established yet. If your trees are neither stressed or young and you're still seeing spots, in the early spring to mid spring you can treat your maples with insecticide, such as spectracide. Check out our video above for even more information about this common issue!

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