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Winter Interest Series

Winter Interest Part #1

 Acer Palmatum 'Sango Kaku'

‘Sango kaku’ is a beautiful large coral bark Japanese maple. This Japanese maple tree has a spectacular bright red bark that stands out in any time of the year! The leaf of 'Sango kaku' in the early spring is a vibrant lush green and new growth often has light flushing of red on the edging. The fall color of ‘Sango kaku’ is a beautiful bright gold-yellow with hints of red splashed in. The golden-yellow contrast magnificently with the coral bark. ‘Sango kaku’ grows best in sun to filtered light. Heavy shade tends to wash out the bark color on some coral barks. ‘Sango kaku’ can reach up to 20-25 ft over time.
It may surprise you to find out that we enjoy ‘Sango kaku’ the most after the leaves had dropped. The cool temperatures brighten the coral bark Japanese maple as it adds amazing color even late in winter after all the other garden colors are gone. The bright warm colors of the red bark stand out so nicely accompanied by snowfall and this is one of our personal favorite times to view the beauty of ‘Sango kaku’. This amazing coral bark Japanese maple tree is sure to add year-round color to your garden and become one of favorites to photograph in any season.

Acer Palmatum 'Aoyagi'

'Aoyagi' has bright chartreuse green leaves that illuminate over the bright chartreuse green bark. Fall color is a bright neon yellow overtop of the chartreuse green bark. Like the coral bark selections, the green barked Japanese maple really shows off in winter. For a unique color contrast in the winter garden plant near coral bark and yellow bark Japanese maples. From our best understanding, "Aoyagi" translates as "green coral" which refers to green color of the bark. 'Aoyagi' may reach up to 12 ft in height in 15 years.

Acer Palmatum 'Wildfire'

Perhaps one of the most aptly named maples, 'Wild Fire' is sure to light up the garden. It has small chartreuse green leaves which turn to bright golden yellows to orange in the fall. The real interest in this tree lies in its 'winter interest'.
The bark on 'Wild Fire' is noted for having two primary tones. Toward the base of the tree, the bark is bright golden yellow to golden orange. The golden yellows infuse into orange which infuse to colors of bright fiery red on the outer branches. The tree is a spectrum of color of yellows to reds. 'Wild Fire' is a brand new selection that is projected to reach 15 ft in 20 years. 'Wild Fire' was found by one of our good friends, Jason Stevens.


Acer Palmatum 'Baton Rouge'

'Baton Rouge' is an interesting new cultivar that is very hard to find. This brilliant mid-sized tree is extremely heat tolerant and originates just outside of Houston, Texas. It is noted as a cultivar of Acer palmatum that has does very well in full sun for the South.
This tree has a spectacular bright red bark that stands out in any season! 'Baton Rouge' translates from French to English as "red stick" and this describes its interesting habit. The bark is very similar to that of 'Sango kaku' but the leaf is larger. In the spring 'Baton Rouge' also has more red tipping around the edge of the leaf which gives it a nice contrast to the bright red bark.
This tree is so new that little is known about the max height. From its growth rate we expect it to be in the 10-12 ft range after 10 years. The fall colors are bright yellow with flashes of red and some light translucent purple tones.
The great thing about Japanese maples with coral bark is that they really add something to each season. In the spring through fall, they are amazing like many of the other maple cultivars but in the winter 'Baton Rouge' really shines. With the lack of color in most winter gardens the flash or red bark really can brighten your day. This amazing tree is sure to add year-round color to your garden and become one of your favorites to photograph in any season.

Acer Palmatum 'Ji jiao'

'Ji jiao' is a new orange bark selection of Japanese maple. The foliage is a dark green in the sun while the bark is a bright orange to yellow-orange. In shade conditions, the bark may be more yellow. The fall color is a bright orange to crimson red. This orange bark makes 'Ji jiao ' an excellent addition to the winter garden and a great companion with a coral bark Japanese maple. 'Ji jiao ' is said to be a newer introduction that is said to be recently imported from China. While 'Ji jiao' is fairly new we expect it to reach 8-10 ft in 10 years.


 Winter Interest Part #2

 Acer Palmatum 'Winter Flame'

'Winter Flame' is a dwarf coral bark selection that may reach up to 6-7 ft in height in 15 years. One characteristic that really sets this dwarf coral bark apart from other coral bark selections is how the chartreuse leaves twist and curl, providing a unique texture. Fall color is a bright golden yellow, although the real show starts as the leaves fall off the tree exposing the bare bright red branching. This coral bark provides great winter interest for the winter garden.

Acer Palmatum 'Gold Digger'

'Gold Digger' is a MrMaple introduction from the Area 51 Collection. 'Gold Digger' has great winter interest of light yellow towards the base of the tree with more orange toward the tips on the latest growth.
The leaves on the new growth are often a peach color that fades to the tips turning darker red. The leaf matures to a solid green. During the summer, the bark is a light yellow where this selection gets its name, 'Gold Digger'. Fall color on the leaves typically starts out with yellow and can mature to a bold red. We expect 'Gold Digger' to get to 8-10 feet in 15 years.

Acer Palmatum 'Beni Kawa'

‘Beni kawa’ is a beautiful mid-sized coral bark. The color of the bark on ‘Beni kawa’ is a salmon color that is very striking and contrasts beautifully with the changing leaf color. In the early spring the leaf is a very bright green. This color is held through the summer months very well even in late summer heat. The fall color is a great golden-yellow with hints of red.
‘Beni kawa’ does not stop there, the amazing bark intensifies in the winter months after the leaves have dropped. This is great because it gives some great color to your garden year round including the winter months.
‘Beni kawa’ grows well in full sun and can handle filtered light conditions although the bark is not as intense in deep shade. At around 10 feet, this medium sized tree compliments any landscape well. This is a great chance to plant a tree that provides color every season of the year.

Acer Palmatum 'Verkade's Wintergold'

Introduced by the famous Verkade's Nursery, 'Verkade's Winter Gold' leafs out in the early spring with large matsumurae leafs that are bright green and heavily divided. The overall shape of the tree is upright but in a semi-pendulous habit reaching 8 ft tall by 10 ft wide in 15 years. Mid-summer flushes are a brighter reddish orange which makes a great display over the rich green. Fall colors are a bright golden yellow to orange. The bark itself is brighter chartreuse green on the new growth which provides a winter interest and is where this selection gets its name. 'Verkade's Winter Gold' is a rare and unique Japanese maple that deserves a place in your landscape or garden.
Sometimes this selection is known as just 'Wintergold', not to be confused with the snakebark selection with a similar name.

Acer Palmatum 'Winter Orange'

'Winter Orange' is a new selection of winter interest Japanese maple that displays bright orange bark during the winter. The small green leaves on 'Winter Orange' turn bright yellow to orange in the fall. 'Winter Orange' is a vigorous grower, putting on quite a bit of growth at an early age. 'Winter Orange' may reach 12-14 ft in 10 years. 'Winter Orange' is a selection from Canada and is rumored to be extremely cold tolerant, as many claim that it was selected from a much colder zone, where many Japanese maples, especially coral bark Japanese maples, would not typically grow. Give 'Winter Orange' protection from the hot afternoon sun, with some morning sunlight to peak the intensity of the color of the orange bark.


 Winter Interest Part #3

Acer Palmatum 'Bihou'

This recent introduction from Japan is strikingly unique and amazing. It leafs in the early spring with rich green palmatum leaves over a bright yellow bark creating a dynamic contrast that will grab anyone's attention. In late fall, the foliage turns to bright yellows to oranges.
In the winter garden, 'Bihou' makes a statement with its bright yellow branching and upright Japanese maple habit. This selection does best when given dry conditions with consistent watering. Morning sun with protection from the hot afternoon sun is recommended in the deep south while full sun is recommended further north where the sun is not as intense. This provides the best yellow coloration and the best growth from this plant. This unique Japanese maple is a must for most gardens. This tree will be 10-12 ft in 15 years.

Acer Palmatum 'Winter Red'

‘Winter Red' is an excellent rare Japanese maple selection with a bright fiery red coral bark. This provides a great interest, especially in the winter landscape that is typically absent of color.
The coral bark is actually at its most intense shade of red during these winter months and the early spring. 'Winter Red' leafs out in the early spring with bright chartreuse green leaves that compliment and contrast well with the bright fiery red bark. Fall colors are bright golden yellows accented small splotches of red.
Winter Red forms a small mid-sized coral bark Japanese maple reaching 8-10 ft in 15 years. Buy this 'Winter Red' coral bark Japanese maple to add year-round interest to your garden.

Acer Palmatum 'Dixie Delight'

'Dixie Delight' is a beautiful winter interest Japanese maple selection that has bright yellow bark infused with bright orange. This combination provides an awesome winter interest and continued bark interest throughout the season. The leaves in the spring are a bright chartreuse, maturing to a dark green. Fall color on 'Dixie Delight' is typically a bright orange. This selection was introduced and given to us our good friend and fellow maple lover, Mike Francis. We expect 'Dixie Delight' to reach 6-8 ft in 15 years.

Acer Palmatum 'Little Sango'

'Little Sango' is an excellent dwarf coral bark Japanese maple. 'Little Sango' leafs out as a bright chartreuse green turning bright yellow to orange in the fall. 'Little Sango' provides great winter interest as the bark increases intensity of bright red in the fall. This Little Sango coral bark Japanese maple is a dwarf compact 'Sango Kaku' with amazing form. It will reach about 6 ft in 15 years by 4 ft wide with an extremely dense habit. This dense habit increases the winter interest of Little Sango. 'Little Sango' is extremely rare and extremely beautiful.

Previous article Acer palmatum 'Ryu sei' | Cultivar Spotlight

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