Early Bird Sale
Don't miss out - The early bird gets the worm! Act now to ensure your Spring garden looks amazing!

The MrMaple Files
Carpinus caroliniana 'Stowe Cascade' Weeping American Hornbeam
MrMaple.comCarpinus caroliniana 'Stowe Cascade' Weeping Carolina Hornbeam Zones 3-9 Part Sun-Full Sun Carpinus caroliniana 'Stowe Cascade' is a beautiful we...
View full detailsGinkgo biloba 'Chotek' Rare Weeping Male Ginkgo Tree
MrMaple.comGinkgo biloba 'Chotek' Zones 3-9 'Chotek' was found in the Czech Republic as a weeping sport off of the cultivar 'Witches' Broom', this Ginkgo ha...
View full detailsGinkgo biloba 'Girard's Spreader' Dwarf Spreading Male Ginkgo Tree
MrMaple.comGINKGO BILOBA 'GIRARD'S SPREADER'RARE DWARF SPREADING MALE GINKGO TREE FOR SALE ZONES 3-9 'Girard's Spreader' is a dwarf spreading ginkgo that will...
View full detailsGinkgo biloba 'Horizontalis' Weeping Male Ginkgo Tree
MrMaple.comGINKGO BILOBA 'HORIZONTALIS'RARE COLUMNAR MALE GINKGO TREE FOR SALE ZONES 3-9 'Horizontalis' is a spreading male ginkgo with a weeping habit that ...
View full detailsGinkgo biloba 'Kohout’s Weeping’ Weeping Ginkgo Tree
MrMaple.comGinkgo biloba 'Kohout’s Weeping'Rare Weeping Lace Leaf Ginkgo Tree Also known as 'Kohout's Pendula' Zones 3-9 ‘Kohout’s Weeping’ is a special casca...
View full detailsGinkgo biloba 'Nana Horizontalis' Dwarf Weeping Male Ginkgo Tree
MrMaple.comGINKGO BILOBA 'NANA HORIZONTALIS'RARE DWARF WEEPING MALE GINKGO TREE FOR SALE ZONES 3-9 'Nana horizontalis' is a dwarf weeping ginkgo tree that wil...
View full detailsGinkgo biloba 'Rare Weeping Form From Germany' Male Ginkgo Tree
View full detailsGinkgo biloba 'Ross Moore' Weeping Ginkgo Tree
MrMaple.comGinkgo biloba 'Ross Moore'Rare Weeping Ginkgo Tree Zones 3-9 'Ross Moore' is perhaps the most pendulous ginkgo ever found. It is extremely weeping ...
View full detailsGinkgo biloba 'Umbertella' Weeping Female Fruiting Ginkgo Tree
MrMaple.comGINKGO BILOBA 'UMBERTELLA'RARE WEEPING FEMALE FRUITING GINKGO TREE FOR SALE ZONES 3-9 'Umbertella' is a weeping female ginkgo tree that forms an u...
View full detailsGinkgo biloba 'Weeping Wonder' Weeping Ginkgo Tree
MrMaple.com5.0 / 5.0
5 Reviews
Ginkgo biloba 'Weeping Wonder'Rare Weeping Tube Leaf Ginkgo Tree Zones 3-9 'Weeping Wonder' is dwarf weeping selection with thread leaves, curled l...
View full detailsPicea abies 'Aarburg' Weeping Norway Spruce
Mr Maple │ Buy Japanese Maple TreesPicea abies 'Aarburg'Rare Weeping Norway Spruce Zones 2-8 Pices abies ‘Aarburg’ is quite a unique animal-like creature in the landscape. Think Cous...
View full detailsPicea abies 'Dandylion' Golden Weeping Norway Spruce
Mr Maple │ Buy Japanese Maple Trees5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
Picea abies 'Dandelion'Rare Weeping Golden Norway Spruce Zones 2-8 'Dandylion’ is a real dandy dwarf conifer selection by our friend, Robert Finch...
View full detailsPicea abies 'Farnsburg' Weeping Norway Spruce
Mr Maple │ Buy Japanese Maple TreesPicea abies 'Farnsburg'Rare Weeping Norway Spruce Zones 2-8 'Farnsburg' is an elegant weeping spruce that has extremely short needles and a nice co...
View full detailsPicea abies 'Frohburg' Weeping Norway Spruce
Mr Maple │ Buy Japanese Maple TreesPicea abies 'Frohburg'Rare Weeping Norway Spruce Zones 2-8 'Frohburg' is a heavily pendulous and cascading Norway spruce. It has a similar habit ...
View full detailsPicea abies 'Gold Drift' Weeping Golden Norway Spruce
Mr Maple │ Buy Japanese Maple TreesPicea abies 'Gold Drift'Rare Weeping Golden Norway Spruce Zones 2-8 'Gold Drift' is a weeping golden Norway spruce with a heavily cascading habit. ...
View full detailsPicea bicolor ‘Howell’s Dwarf Tigertail’ Alcock’s Spruce
Mr Maple │ Buy Japanese Maple TreesPicea bicolor 'Howell’s Dwarf Tigertail' Rare Dwarf Alcock’s Spruce Zones 2-8 'Howell’s Dwarf Tigertail’ is a dwarf selection of Alcock’s spruce wi...
View full detailsPinus banksiana 'Bush’s Twister' Contorted Jack Pine
Mr Maple │ Buy Japanese Maple TreesPinus banksiana 'Bush’s Twister' Contorted Jack PineZones 2-8 “Come on baby, Let's do the twist!” You may be inspired to dance to Chubby Checke...
View full detailsPinus banksiana 'Manomet' Dwarf Jack Pine
Mr Maple │ Buy Japanese Maple TreesPinus banksiana 'Manomet' Dwarf Short Needle Jack PineZones 2-8 'Manomet' is a dwarf Jack pine selection with a dense compact habit and extremel...
View full detailsPinus banksiana 'Schoodic' Spreading Jack Pine
Mr Maple │ Buy Japanese Maple TreesPinus banksiana 'Schoodic' Spreading Jack PineZones 2-8 'Schoodic’ is a wonderfully spreading and prostrate selection of jack pine that was intro...
View full detailsPinus banksiana 'Skjak Flach' Spreading Jack Pine
Mr Maple │ Buy Japanese Maple TreesPinus banksiana 'Skjak Flach' Spreading Jack PineZones 2-8 'Skjak Flach' is selection of slow growing jack pine with a low spreading habit. This...
View full detailsPinus banksiana 'Uncle Fogy' Pendulous Jack Pine
Mr Maple │ Buy Japanese Maple TreesPinus banksiana 'Uncle Fogy' Pendulous Jack PineZones 2-8 Once you have seen a large specimen of this plant, you will fall in love. 'Uncle Fogy'...
View full detailsPinus bungeana 'Rowe Arboretum' Lacebark Pine Tree
Mr Maple │ Buy Japanese Maple TreesPinus bungeana 'Rowe Arboretum' Lacebark PineZones 5-8 'Rowe Arboretum’ is beautiful more compact selection of Chinese lacebark pine with a won...
View full detailsPinus bungeana 'Silver Ghost' Bark Interest Lacebark Pine Tree
Mr Maple │ Buy Japanese Maple TreesPinus bungeana 'Silver Ghost' Bark Interest Lacebark PineZones 5-8 'Silver Ghost' is a and evergreen pine with exceptional bark interest that wa...
View full detailsPinus strobus 'Angel Falls' Weeping White Pine
Mr Maple │ Buy Japanese Maple TreesPinus strobus 'Angel Falls'Weeping White Pine Tree Zones 3-8 Pinus strobus 'Angel Falls' has long needles and heavily cascading habit. It is reco...
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